
Dear Wellcircuits Community,

With summer fast approaching, it’s time to think about how to make the most of this sunny season. How will you spend your summer holiday with your kids? Will you hit the beach? Visit Disneyland? Or simply relax at home?

We have an exciting activity lined up for you and your kids:

Hack Summer with Your Kids!

Step 1: Get Soldering Kits

We offer several engaging kits, such as the Flashlight and the ArduinoFlake, available at our Wellcircuits Bazaar. Simply add them to your order and you’re ready to go.
Alternatively, feel free to design your own custom kit. If you’re unsure where to start, we’ve gathered a collection of fun and educational badges that are designed to inspire your kids’ love for technology. You can check out 10 of the most exciting kits in our blog post here.

Step 2: Solder Together and Share Your Moment

Get the whole family involved in soldering! Once you’re done, don’t forget to share your experience on social media. Tag us using the hashtag #HACKSUMMER and @Wellcircuits on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

Step 3: Win Amazing Prizes!

We will select 3 winners by September 1st. The prize is an Arduino UNO Rev3! Each winner will be chosen from one of the social media platforms based on likes, comments, and shares.

We hope that all Wellcircuits enthusiasts enjoy an unforgettable summer holiday this year. Remember, Wellcircuits is always here to support you!

Best regards,

Wellcircuits Team

If you have any questions about PCBs or PCBA, feel free to reach out to us at info@wellcircuits.com.

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