**1.** Printed circuit boards are a crucial component of electronic circuits.

**2.** Over the years, advancements in technology have significantly reduced their size.

**3.** Today, they manifest as chips that power electronic devices.

**4.** Although printed circuit boards contain multiple components for making connections, they also transmit information.

**5.** This raises a question: how is information printed in such a compact area?

**6.** This is where screen printing comes to the rescue.

**7.** This article will delve into the importance of screen printing on printed circuit boards.

**8.** PCB silk screen layer overview:

**9.** The silk screen is a layer of ink traces that identifies PCB components, marks, logos, symbols, and more.

**10.** Typically, a PCB consists of two parts: components and soldering pads.

**11.** In most cases, the silk screen is applied to the component side of the PCB.

**12.** Today, it is also utilized on the soldering side.

**13.** Screen printing enables manufacturers and engineers to easily identify various parts.


More than PCB

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