**PCBA Welding and Heating Process: Temperature Control and Thermal Design Considerations**

The PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) welding and heating process often involves significant temperature fluctuations. When the temperature difference exceeds recommended thresholds, it can result in poor soldering quality. Therefore, effective control of the temperature difference during the operation is crucial to achieving optimal results. The thermal design of PCBA is a complex structure consisting of various components, each serving distinct functions. Understanding the role of each part in this thermal system is essential for successful PCBA assembly.

**Thermal Design of PCBA Board: Structure and Key Characteristics**

During the PCBA processing, the thermal design plays a critical role in ensuring proper soldering and reliable connections. If the temperature difference across the board is too large, it can cause a range of soldering issues, such as:

– **QFP Pin Openings**: Uneven heating can lead to incomplete solder joints, especially on QFP (Quad Flat Package) components.

– **Solder Bridge and Tombstoning**: Uneven temperature distribution can cause solder bridges or tombstoning, where components like chips are lifted from the board during soldering.

– **BGA (Ball Grid Array) Joint Failure**: Excessive temperature variance can cause shrinkage or fracture of BGA solder joints, compromising the integrity of the connection.

To address these issues, thermal management strategies, including adjustments to heat capacity, can be implemented to optimize the heating process and reduce the impact of temperature disparities.

**(1) Thermal Design of Heat Sink Pad**

One key aspect of thermal design in PCBA is the implementation of heat sink pads. These pads are designed to absorb and dissipate excess heat, helping to maintain consistent temperature levels across the board. Proper placement and sizing of these pads are essential for effective heat management, as they help prevent localized overheating, which could otherwise lead to component damage or poor soldering quality.

By incorporating heat sink pads and other thermal management solutions, such as controlled reflow profiles and improved PCB material selection, it is possible to achieve uniform temperature distribution, ensuring high-quality solder joints and minimizing defects during the PCBA assembly process.

In conclusion, understanding the thermal dynamics and designing with temperature control in mind is essential for achieving reliable PCBA assemblies. Proper heat management, including the use of heat sink pads and other techniques, can mitigate the risks of temperature-related issues and enhance the overall performance and reliability of the final product.

### 1. **Soldering Heat Sink Components**

During the soldering of heat sink components, a common issue is insufficient solder on the heat sink pad, which can lead to poor joint reliability. This issue can be addressed through effective heat sink design. Specifically, one solution is to enhance the heat capacity of the heat dissipation hole. By connecting this hole to the inner ground layer, we ensure better heat distribution. If the ground layer consists of fewer than six layers, it is advisable to isolate the heat dissipation area from the signal layers and treat it as a dedicated heat dissipation layer. Additionally, reducing the hole diameter to the smallest possible size helps optimize heat management.

### 2. **Thermal Design for High-Power Grounding Jack**

In certain product designs, the insertion hole may need to connect to multiple ground or electric plane layers. Due to the brief contact time (typically 2-3 seconds) between the pin and the solder wave during wave soldering, the heat capacity of the jack can result in insufficient soldering temperatures, potentially causing cold solder joints. To mitigate this, a “star-moon” hole design is often employed. This design isolates the welding hole from the ground/electrical layers, enabling efficient current transfer through the power hole while maintaining proper soldering conditions.

### 3. **Thermal Design for BGA Solder Joints**

In mixed assembly processes, a phenomenon known as “shrinkage fracture” can occur, often at the corners of BGA (Ball Grid Array) solder joints. This defect arises due to unidirectional solidification during soldering, causing some joints to cool more rapidly than others. The solution lies in optimizing the layout of BGA corners, typically by increasing the heat capacity of the corner joints or slowing their cooling rate. This ensures that the solder joints cool in sync with others, avoiding warping stress that could lead to fractures under thermal stress.

### 4. **Design Considerations for Chip Component Pads**

As PCB components become smaller, issues such as displacement, tombstoning, and flipping become more prevalent. These problems are influenced by several factors, with pad thermal design playing a significant role. When one end of a pad is connected to a wider trace and the other to a narrower trace, heat distribution across the pad becomes uneven. Contrary to expectations, the pad connected to the wider trace may melt first. This is because the wide trace, acting as a heat source, affects the heat distribution more than the larger heat capacity of the trace itself. The resulting surface tension from early melting can cause the component to shift or flip, compromising the solder joint.

### 5. **Impact of Wave Soldering on Component Surfaces**

– **BGA Solder Joints**: BGAs with a pin pitch of 0.8mm or greater often feature vias that connect the pins to the circuit layer. During wave soldering, heat is transferred from the vias to the BGA solder joints. Due to varying heat capacities, some joints may not melt fully, leading to semi-melting or even joint failure under thermal stress.

– **Chip Capacitors**: Chip capacitors are highly sensitive to both mechanical and thermal stresses. In wave soldering, components positioned at the edges of the tray window are more vulnerable to cracking due to thermal stress, which can be exacerbated by the temperature gradients experienced during soldering.

If you have any questions about PCB or PCBA, feel free to reach out to me at info@wellcircuits.com.

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